Useful short quotations: Macbeth

You don't need to learn them all. Just choose the ones you understand and you'll know how to use. Themes Equivocation* Appearance and reality The nature of manhood Hubris** *Equivocation - the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth - links to the theme of appearance and reality **Hubris - Excessive pride or self confidence. IMO this is a better word to use than 'ambition', though I don't think AQA agrees with me! Equivocation Macbeth : ... My dull brain was wrought/With things forgotten ( when he has been told he's Thane of Cawdor and has been imagining he can be king ) Lady Macbeth : He that's coming/Must be provided for ( on hearing that Duncan is coming to spend the night ) Porter : here’s an equivocator , that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God’s sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven ( this is the key to the whole play - he is talking about Father Garnet, a Cathol...